im bored so i wanna know if there are any cool online multiplayer games that are free like
1. world of pirates
2. risk your life
etc... anything?

on Aug 05, 2004
Taking into account the immense amount of work that is required to create such a game...I highly doubt that someone would be willing to allow people to play for free.
on Aug 06, 2004
I doubt it too, but there are some that are free for a few days. Check out I think ones such as EVE Online and Ragnarok Online have free trials or ones that are in beta.

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on Aug 06, 2004
how bout tryin diablo 2, prince of qin online, or the4thcoming..

the 4th coming web is
on Aug 06, 2004
Well I do know one, it's called "retro RPG". It's text-based, hence "retro". I don't know how good it is since I never played it, however.
on Aug 08, 2004
You could check out RuneScape

It's a completely java-based 3D MMORPG. There's a free version and a "P2P" version with more features that you pay ~$5 a month for.
on Sep 14, 2004
hehehe runescape looks pretty nice thanks GSW its been free so far for me (im outta the tut islands)