they freak out when you get into MSDOS/Command prompt
Published on January 11, 2005 By MadPyro In WinCustomize Talk
so funny. it started with a net send message to my friend saying "hi"

problem is that we arent supposed to be able to get into drive C: to access the file right? wrong. easy enough to access it using any application out there. MORONS

ok, so i net send a message to my friend... that was yesterday...

today, 6th period, 2 security personelle come in to escort me to the friggin principals office. HA! i need no escort... i walk calmly to the office and sit down to wait.

chat a little with the security morons and find out that this is about MSDOS and me. quickly, i formulate a plan in my mind: bullshit em so much that they wont even know it.

so, finally, the principal calls me in and asks me to sit down, the two security morons on either side of me.

"so, do you know what this is about?"
"well kind of, steve [security moron #1] hinted that its about msdos stuff"
"yes, you see, we have disabled command prompt from these school computers for a reason, so that kids [pauses] cant harm the school's system and somehow, you managed to get into it and did something there..."
"and we feel that this may pose a threat to our system"
"whats so funny?"
"well, you see, two things;
1. command prompt isnt disabled, its hidden in drive C: to which the system doesnt allow access.
2. MSDOS cant do much against xp. all i did was test sending a message to a friend using net send, it worked so i was like sweet!"
"yes and we feel that this can be a threat to us."
"sir, if i wanted to screw up the school system, there are alot easier ways of doing that. and if i wanted to screw it up, i would NOT use my account to do it from"
"see, on windows Xp, you disabled access to drive C:. when i am bored, i screw around... one day, while trying to load objects for lightwave into lightwave, i was forced to find a way to get into drive C:."
"yes...?"*takes notes*
"so, all i did was open lightwave, go and in the address bar, type "C:". all that did was throw me to "my documents", i found this kind of funny since it should show "drive C: inaccessible" so i hit the "up one level" button and it took me back one level, i hit it a couple more times and Ooo... drive c: bingo! i opened lightwave and objects and i was able to load an object."
"yes? and how does this make you able to open command prompt?"
"same way i opened that i can open see? go windows/system32/ [opens it on hit computer]"
"i see... and how do you do this 'net send'thing?"
"*sigh* [type 'net send maloym test'] see? message arrives saying test"
"i see...."
*scribbles notes*
[i notice security morons leaning to see it too]
****bell rings****
"saved by the bell... can i go catch my bus? you can call me in tomorrow"
"ok, i will call you in around 3rd period"
"ok {[mutter] sheesh...}"

heart pounding, i pick up my backpack and head out the door... i walk by the front desk and notice the secretary staring at me with a dissaproving glance....

-----------to be continued tomorrow after the next debate--------------------

wish me luck, i cant get suspended, im a senior and i need to finish this year...

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on Jan 13, 2005
lol i did not hack into the system. jeez . thats waht the adminst are paraniod about. all i did was test if i could get into MSDOS even tho it was blocked.

ok heres episode 2:

as i grab my lunch and head to my table, i notice steve [security dude] coming towards me.
"are you sergeÿ?"
"----------- want to see you"
^name omited for certain reasons
"ok... lemme finish my lunch"

so he sat by me watching me finish my lunch (hes fat so i made sure i took my time and pissed him off)

*****as i enter the office******

the principal has someone in there so i have to wait... finally, i get admitted in.

"hello sergey"
"so do you have any confessions to make?"
"well i see that you dont... fine , see, the problem is, what ever you did..."
"which was nothing"
"yea whatever, like i was saying, whatever you did, it took the school security personelle 5 hours last night to revert"
"heh, so, what did i do?"
"well, you were 'in the room with all the files'if you know what im talking about"
"that sounds like its from a hacker movie but i still dont know what you are talking about."
"well, let me just say that while you were browsing through the schools server, you viewed some files that were critical to the server and we had to change all the passwords again"
"??? all i did was send a message to my friend"
"look, dont deny anything, we have our ways of tracking you..."
"what was that?"
"ways that make things up?"
"sure whatever, anyways, we are giving you another chance:
we are going to terminate your account but we are not going to suspend you... that is, if you help us"
"and what you need help with?"
"how exactly did you get into those files?"
"well, i could show you but if my account is terminated, then i would have to use someone elses... yours?"
"hm.... tell you what, we will keep your account open for 2 more days while you come in and show us what / how you did what you did."
"well, i dont know, i got lots of big projects coming up right now that will take up lots of time"
"well, how much time you need?'"
"dont know"
"well come in tomorrow and tell me when you can show us so that we may work together"

so, now i am debating wether or not to help them... i got em by the balls and if they expell me, i just drop out and go USAF
on Jan 13, 2005
whahahaha, omg. lol.

im gonna try to go into de c:\ thingy. Just wanna see if u can foolish the secure system. and if its working. i will have a little chat with the princeble. 3 weak encounting and im ready to find a job .

will let u know if its worked.
on Jan 13, 2005
i got em by the balls and if they expell me, i just drop out and go USAF

Ohhh that sound so intelligent.
No, you don't have them by the balls.. they have you.
It's because of people like you that we have so many dam computer problems in the world. You can't follow the rules and use the system as it was intended.Instead, you have to show your arse, disrupt the flow of business and inconvienience as many people as possible in the process.
Then... gee.. I'll show em.. I'll quit school!!!

Granted.. there was no "real" damage done, but that does not excuse the act itself.
on Jan 13, 2005
Yeah, no damage done. Sounds to me like the (brain) damage occurred much earlier...
on Jan 13, 2005
i got em by the balls and if they expell me, i just drop out and go USAF

Yea, putting your future on the line for a simple prank is the way to go

Just say sorry and help them to fix the holes. Dropping out of school will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 13, 2005
accessing a part of a computer that is not supposed to be seen is not the worst crime in the world. Pyro could be out setting flames to buildings. I agree, he should take the next wise step and help the admins. He's a smart kid, so I'm sure he will.
There are much worse things he could be getting into.
on Jan 13, 2005
i just drop out and go USAF

"integrity first"
"service before self"
"exellence in all we do"

Based on our United States Air Force Values (see my logo?>>>)
not your cup of tea. Also we don't accept high school dropouts.
on Jan 13, 2005
on Jan 13, 2005
OK guys, seems some people don't remember what being a teen was. Rules are there, and teens test them, see what they can do and try not to get caught. That's what it is to be a teen, and that's how they learn to think for themselves and not turn into adult zombies later. Eventually, teens grow up, play by the rules themselves, but not just because the rules are there but because the rules make sense. Of course it doesn't mean there shouldn't be any consequence if they get caught. Punishment must be applied accordingly, but it doesn't mean they must be treated like criminals. They're kids learning how the world works. Let them do the learning they need to do. Let them break the rules, get caught, get punished and learn. Heck, I'm not even going to start telling the things I did in high school, but I can say that sending a net send in DOS is nothing in comparison. And I still turned out a normal socially adapted adult.
on Jan 13, 2005
at my school the c:/ drive is open to anyone, but cmd.exe is blocked, to solve this: start, run, commande.exe and bingo dos prompt is open... seriously, if you know how to get where you aren't supposed to, you would know how to ruin the computers. There are a hundred other ways you could crash their computers without it being traced to you at all. I agree, he shouldn't have tried to begin with, but if he did nothing, than he had no malicious intent. Just suspending him wouldn't solve their problem at all. Face it, kids do what they shouldn't, and if someone wanted to trash the computers, they could do it rather easily. (eherkiller, flash bios with wrong version, etc.) I had to find a workaround my schools internet filtering policy to access a website while researching the cold war. Should i have done it? No, probably not. Did it save me an hour of researching? It did. I have better things to do during school than needlessly search through useless websites because an educational site for some reason was blocked as pornography. Our IT guys aren't very bright. somone turned on sticky keys to try and be funny, and make noise. And they couldn't figure out what was going on, so they took the keyboard out, and brought a new one. How dumb can an IT guy be?
on Jan 13, 2005

I grew up to be less of a prat thanks to corporal punishment.

Pity it isn't still around.

on Jan 13, 2005
lol THANK YOU PAXX! thats what im trying to say! i didnt do anything and everyone thinks i did something bad
on Jan 13, 2005
theres a difference between "having the knowledge: to do things to pc's.. and having the self controll needed to not do have not stumbled upon some thing new and unheard of .. many of us just dont feel the need to try to proove our worth...on the other hand this does proove that a little bit of knowledge in the wrong hands can be hazardous ...

its not that your smarter than the schools admins ( i would contend that the smarter one would have not attempted to acess what he knew was forbidden )...but more to the fact that most schools cant afford to pay IT people to upgrade the systems every time theres a flaw found..they rely on the students having Honor ....Honor is knowing the whats rite and whats wrong, then chooseing to do whats rite, even tho it may be unpopular ...most kids think being rebelious is breaking away from the norm... haha thats a laugh.. kids have been rebelious since the beginning of time ... so .. really your not breaking any new ground or doing any thing new ... been there .. done that.. time to move on...
on Jan 13, 2005
Umm... people don't do things to be a 'rebel' and that schools not having the money is a huge stereotype, i go to a public school, and the average salary for teachers is almost 70,000 dollars. The highest administrator is payed more than 500,000. So, our school has plenty of cash to pay the IT guys to know about sticky keys.
on Jan 13, 2005
nocoolones, I'm asking people not to judge teens, and I'll ask you the same about teachers. You have no idea what it is to be a teacher. Besides, I seriously doubt the average salary for a teacher in the US is 70,000. It may be the top salary after 20 years but certainly not the average. High school teachers in the US start around 32k, same as here in Canada. And I work over 50 hours a week. It's most definately not the ost paying job around. I recently went back to teaching because I missed it. I love teaching. I was making 15k more/year. Now I'm poorer, I work harder, but I love what I do. Kids are great, even (or especially?) the ones that keep trying to break the rules.
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