they freak out when you get into MSDOS/Command prompt
Published on January 11, 2005 By MadPyro In WinCustomize Talk
so funny. it started with a net send message to my friend saying "hi"

problem is that we arent supposed to be able to get into drive C: to access the file right? wrong. easy enough to access it using any application out there. MORONS

ok, so i net send a message to my friend... that was yesterday...

today, 6th period, 2 security personelle come in to escort me to the friggin principals office. HA! i need no escort... i walk calmly to the office and sit down to wait.

chat a little with the security morons and find out that this is about MSDOS and me. quickly, i formulate a plan in my mind: bullshit em so much that they wont even know it.

so, finally, the principal calls me in and asks me to sit down, the two security morons on either side of me.

"so, do you know what this is about?"
"well kind of, steve [security moron #1] hinted that its about msdos stuff"
"yes, you see, we have disabled command prompt from these school computers for a reason, so that kids [pauses] cant harm the school's system and somehow, you managed to get into it and did something there..."
"and we feel that this may pose a threat to our system"
"whats so funny?"
"well, you see, two things;
1. command prompt isnt disabled, its hidden in drive C: to which the system doesnt allow access.
2. MSDOS cant do much against xp. all i did was test sending a message to a friend using net send, it worked so i was like sweet!"
"yes and we feel that this can be a threat to us."
"sir, if i wanted to screw up the school system, there are alot easier ways of doing that. and if i wanted to screw it up, i would NOT use my account to do it from"
"see, on windows Xp, you disabled access to drive C:. when i am bored, i screw around... one day, while trying to load objects for lightwave into lightwave, i was forced to find a way to get into drive C:."
"yes...?"*takes notes*
"so, all i did was open lightwave, go and in the address bar, type "C:". all that did was throw me to "my documents", i found this kind of funny since it should show "drive C: inaccessible" so i hit the "up one level" button and it took me back one level, i hit it a couple more times and Ooo... drive c: bingo! i opened lightwave and objects and i was able to load an object."
"yes? and how does this make you able to open command prompt?"
"same way i opened that i can open see? go windows/system32/ [opens it on hit computer]"
"i see... and how do you do this 'net send'thing?"
"*sigh* [type 'net send maloym test'] see? message arrives saying test"
"i see...."
*scribbles notes*
[i notice security morons leaning to see it too]
****bell rings****
"saved by the bell... can i go catch my bus? you can call me in tomorrow"
"ok, i will call you in around 3rd period"
"ok {[mutter] sheesh...}"

heart pounding, i pick up my backpack and head out the door... i walk by the front desk and notice the secretary staring at me with a dissaproving glance....

-----------to be continued tomorrow after the next debate--------------------

wish me luck, i cant get suspended, im a senior and i need to finish this year...

Comments (Page 6)
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on Jan 15, 2005
on Jan 15, 2005
By looking at words only, I am still a teenager (19). Yes, part of being a teenager is bending the rules a little bit, but knowing which ones to bend is a delicate balance. Something like computer security is really not one that you should go after. With as much hype as it gets in the press and how expensive computer systems are, administrators are likely to be as you experienced: jumpy and overreactive. People are naturally like that concerning anything they don't understand that well or don't have the resources to replace, and schools just don't have enough funding and administrators are not paid enough to be put through scares like that (justified fear or not). The principal definitely does not know as much in the field of computers as you do, but that certainly does not mean the principal is dumb. Your best bet is to let them win this one (knowing when to let others win, or at least think they won, is also a valuable piece of knowledge) and then disappear from the radar. You're down to just your king while the school hasn't lost even lost a pawn yet. Checkmate.
on Jan 15, 2005
What Duncan2k5 proposes is either malicious or wistful teenage boasting

Considering my school record, the latter is probably more likly. But i still enjoy working with computers and I love to find out how stuff work in them. But thats less trail-and-error, and more error-followed-by-another-error. I've screwed up my computer quite a few times in my last 4 years of being into computing, so ill probably focus more on how to keep a computer working, rather that destroy it.
on Jan 16, 2005
Underdog45, for a 19 year old you certainly have a maturity that I never possessed at your age. You're right. Part of being a teenager is to question and to challenge. At the same time, it's also authority's job to question whether the rights of the public are being violated. If we don't question or challenge authority, we remain stagnant as a species. Therefore, society doesn't progress, and we need to continue to learn and progress so that history does not repeat itself. Yes, even in the computer world!

Okay, I may be going a bit overboard here, and I'll get off my (adult)soapbox, but it was just to make a point. Teenagers need adults, and adults need teenagers. We can all learn a thing or two from each other.
on Jan 20, 2005
Oh, and when I do it, the command prompt is under accessories.... That's weird!
on Jan 20, 2005
This kid is just posting this crap here to try and get his ego stroked about how cool he is for doing that. And sadly enough, some of you are doing just that. Nothing about what you did was cool, or helpful as you try to say it is. It was foolish and unconstructive childish behavior. Grow up and do your homework, punk!
on Jan 20, 2005
did i say "oo i am soo cool!"? no. so dont provoke me please.
i was trying to get some feed back so that i know what u guys think abou this. this is a "community" where u can discuss anything u want so i decided to ask around about it. if u have a problem then dont say anything, go make some skins or something like that. im taking a break from skinning but since i left skinning, lots of stingy people showing up on the forums.

the old wincustomize may have looked crappier but at least there were better, nicer people there. after it changed its look and interface, alot of people changed too...

i enjoy your work RPG but you need to think before saying something. just because u have talent doesnt mean u are a speaker.

on Jan 20, 2005
damn echo
on Jan 20, 2005
this is a "community" where u can discuss anything u want

I must correct you there. Using the boards to lie, cheat, or steal will not be tolerated. One of the positive things about this site is how EVERYONE bands together against stuff like that. Consider this advice. Stick to skinning. Do not use these message boards for illegal purposes. You have already admitted to cheating the school system and lying to this communtity about your intentions.

As harsh as RPGuere's comment was, it's the emotion behind it that really matters. Your shennanigans have started to upset others in the community. You and your brother have not had the best past here at WC. You both need to step back and see how the more you try to impress people, the more you exile yourself.

Just some advice. Take it however you want.
on Jan 20, 2005
Yes @ #84.

I'm interested in the case, at least!
on Jan 20, 2005
the old wincustomize may have looked crappier but at least there were better, nicer people there. after it changed its look and interface, alot of people changed too...

Sorry to say, but most of the veterans are still here (and acting as normal imho!)
on Feb 11, 2005
jeez. sorry i ever said anything here... removing all my skins and see u all later... this place has become a real shathole... i remember when the "general discussion" was for just about anything you wanted... if you dont want general discussion on your boards then at least make a spam or some other board where we can just talk and not get turned down...

MadPyro goes off to delete his skins and to say later all
on Feb 11, 2005
please delete all of my skins except the following:

Itsa meeea MARIO
Windows XP 2nd Ed. under construction
Kirby windows
and the last one : bugslife Dot
on Feb 11, 2005
thanks and sorry if i offended anyone but i decided that if this community changed this much, i dont want to be part of it anymore

total downloads when i stopped :::

# Total Downloads (Rank): 171,684 (127)
# Sites Referring To Skins(Rank): 0 (N/A)

Library: Downloads (rank):
BootSkins 162,857 (8)
Logons 8,614 (99)
ScreenShots 213 (555)

later all
on Feb 11, 2005
Skins deleted.
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